We, the members of Phi Theta Kappa in the Nevada/California Region, hereby establish these bylaws uniting our chapters in scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service. We recognize the academic excellence of our students, encourage continued achievement, and enhance the development and growth of this society through the pursuit of lifelong learning.
Chapter I Name of Organization
The name of this organization will be known as the Nevada/California Region of Phi Theta Kappa.
Chapter II Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this organization shall be three-fold:
To achieve the goals and purpose of the International Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
To promote participation and fellowship among Phi Theta Kappa chapters and members throughout the Nevada/California Region.
To inspire all community college students (in the NV/CA Region) to move toward new heights of intellectual achievement.
Chapter III. Divisions of Organization
Section A Members shall consist of:
Phi Theta Kappa chapters in Nevada or California that meet the requirements for membership in the International Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and are in good standing. A chapter in good standing will be defined as one that has paid all regional fees, has maintained a current Chapter Annual Report on file at International Headquarters, and has a list of current chapter officers on file at International Headquarters.
Each chapter must pay fees of ten dollars ($10.00) per inducted member at the time of his/her induction.
Section B Districts of the Nevada/California Region shall be:
Northeast California
Northwest California
Southeast California
Southwest California
Section C The Executive Board shall consist of:
The Regional Coordinator
The Regional Coordinator’s Advisory Committee members, as appointed by the Regional Coordinator. The number of advisors/Associated Regional Coordinators on the Regional Coordinator’s Advisory Committee is not to exceed the number of student officers on the Executive Board. The advisory committee should also include the Alumni Advisor.
Student officers elected at the Regional Convention.
Section D Committees shall consist of:
Standing committees appointed by the Regional Coordinator, the Regional President or the Executive Board. These committees may have any number of members as is deemed necessary.
Standing committees for which no members are appointed for a period of two years will be deemed to have been dissolved.
Ad hoc committees created by the Regional Coordinator, the Regional President, or the Executive Board will be created as needed and for such period of time as deemed necessary.
Chapter IV. Election of Officers
Section A Process
At least two months prior to the Spring Regional Convention, the Regional Coordinator will send to the region a request for candidates for the various regional board positions. This request will also outline the election process.
Prior to the Regional Convention, candidates will submit to the Regional Coordinator a statement and/or a video of intent to run, which also describes the candidate’s qualifications for the position sought. The deadline for declaring a candidacy will be (approximately) one month prior to the Regional Convention.
The Regional Coordinator will see that all candidates’ statements and/or videos are posted on the Regional Website prior to the Convention.
At the Regional Convention, candidates will deliver a speech on the Honors Study Topic, and participate in a question/answer caucus. If the candidate is unable to attend the Regional Convention due to an emergency, he/she should request permission from the Regional Coordinator to send a representative to read the speech. A representative may not participate in nor respond for the candidate in the question/answer caucus.
4. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote (50% + 1) of the voting delegates at the Regional Convention, each attending chapter designating one member to serve as the chapter’s voting delegate. If a majority vote is not received, a runoff election will be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. If a candidate does not receive 50% + 1 of the votes cast, the office will be declared vacant.
Officers shall be installed at the Banquet/Awards session of the Regional Convention and shall assume the duties of office immediately afterwards. New officers will participate in a brief orientation with the Regional Coordinator, Associated Regional Coordinators, Alumni Advisor, and outgoing officers at an Officer Breakfast the morning after installation of the new officers. A more in-depth orientation will take place at the Summer Planning Session.
Section B Requirements of Candidates and Newly Elected Officers
A candidate must be a member of a chapter in good standing and meet all requirements of membership in that chapter.
A candidate must request his/her chapter advisor provide to the Regional Coordinator a statement verifying that the candidate is in good standing at the chapter.
Candidates must be present at the convention in order to participate in the election process and are required to meet with chapter members and/or voting delegates in a caucus prior to the election to explain their qualifications and to answer questions from the delegates, unless excused by the Regional Coordinator.
Candidates may not be voting delegates unless they are the only representative from their chapter attending the Regional Convention.
Candidates must sign and adhere to the Honor Code for Regional Officers as adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors in October 1998.
Newly elected Regional Officers must attend an accredited two-year community, junior, vocational, or technical college throughout their term in office.
Officers may serve no more than two terms on the Executive Board. An officer who seeks a second term must run for an office different from the one the officer previously held.
Section C Removal/Replacement of Officers
Should an officer miss two conference calls and/or meetings without notifying the Regional Coordinator of a valid illness or emergency, said officer, may be removed from the duties and privileges of office. This is to be done by a 2/3 vote of the remainder of the Executive Board after the said officer has been given an opportunity to respond to the allegations either in writing or in person.
The Regional Coordinator may appoint a replacement for a regional officer who is removed from office, for an officer who resigns from office, or for lack of a candidate for an office.
Chapter V. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board
Section A The President shall:
Have open and consistent communication with the Regional Coordinator.
Preside over and delegate to other officers the conducting of the Regional Leadership Conference and the Regional Convention.
Direct regional activities and projects in conjunction with the Regional Coordinator.
Appoint committees or direct the Executive Board to do so.
Promote, delegate, and, when necessary, direct the updating of the Regional Website and the Regional Newsletter Silver and Gold.
Run at least two breakout sessions at each regional conference
Be responsible for finding at least one candidate for this position for the coming year.
Section B The District Vice Presidents Shall:
There shall be the same number of Vice Presidents as there are districts in the Nevada/California Region.
The District Vice Presidents shall maintain ongoing communication with the chapters in their districts.
Each District Vice President shall write about a chapter in one’s district for each regional newsletter in which the Vice President informs the rest of the Region about that chapter’s Phi Theta Kappa activities.
The District Vice Presidents shall collect Phi Theta Kappa data, pictures, and memorabilia as requested.
A District Vice President shall by common consent or by lot, serve as acting President in the absence of the President.
The District Vice Presidents shall attend or send a representative to any Phi Theta Kappa chartering ceremony in one’s district if invited.
Assist and communicate with the President and/or Regional Coordinator.
Run at least two breakout sessions at each regional conference
Hold a minimum of two in person or webinar District Summits during their term.
Be responsible for finding at least one candidate for this position for the coming year.
Section C The Vice President of Communications shall:
Keep accurate records of all Executive Board Meetings in a consistent format in compliance with Roberts Rules of Order.
Send copies of the minutes to each member of the Executive Board within one week of the meeting.
Make reports to International Headquarters only after approval by the Regional Coordinator.
Assist the Regional Coordinator in maintaining a list of chapter officers and advisors and their respective contact information.
Establish and publicize deadlines for the submission of newsletter items; then solicit content from Regional Vice Presidents, chapters, alumni, and appropriate outside sources for the newsletter.
Work with the Regional Coordinator to establish and maintain a mailing list and a mailing process for the newsletter.
Maintain access and passwords to all social media and web-based accounts to be shared with the Regional Coordinator for the later transition of officers.
Run at least two breakout sessions at each regional conference
Be responsible for finding at least one candidate for this position for the coming year.
Section D The Vice President of technology shall:
Maintain and update the NV/CA Regional website
Maintain and update the NV/CA Region's social media needs such as Facebook
Maintain access and passwords to all social media and web-based accounts to be shared with the Regional Coordinator for the later transition of officers.
Run at least two breakout sessions at each regional conference
Be responsible for finding at least one candidate for this position for the coming year.
Chapter VI Powers and Duties of Regional Coordinator and Chapter Advisors
Section A The Regional Coordinator, appointed by the Executive Director, serves as the leader of the Region and, when conducting meetings, is a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board. If not conducting, the Coordinator has the option of participating in Board votes provided the number of advisors/Associated Regional Coordinators are less than the number of students present at the vote. The Coordinator facilitates the integral relationship among chapters in the Region, between Headquarters and the chapters, and between Phi Theta Kappa and the two-year college. According to the Official Policy Statement adopted by the International Board of Directors in October, 1998 the Regional Coordinator shall:
Serve as head of the Region.
Work directly with the Director of Regional Programs at Headquarters.
Attend and fully participate in the Regional Coordinator Meeting at the International Convention and other Coordinator meetings convened by Headquarters.
Oversee the election of a Coordinator Advisory Committee, explain the responsibilities of the committee, and serve as a member.
Attend and fully participate in all official regional meetings, directing the planning of the Leadership-Through-Honors-in-Action Conference and Regional Convention.
Hold meetings to plan regional activities and set goals for the coming year.
Hold a formal Regional Officer Orientation as soon as possible following the election of officers.
Communicate frequently and consistently with Headquarters and respond to requests in a timely manner.
Administer the Five-Star Chapter Development Program.
Supervise the Regional Awards Program.
Supervise the regional treasury.
Supervise the development and distribution of regional written and electronic communications that include newsletters, handbook/directory, and other necessary communications.
Report promptly changes in advisor information.
Report to the Chapter Programs Department at Headquarters the chapters, advisors, and members who deserve recognition other than through the Society’s International Hallmark Awards Program.
Submit to Headquarters a State of the Region Report.
Submit requests for reimbursements with receipts within 60 days of incurring expense.
The Regional Coordinator should seek out a hosting chapter for a regional conference should a volunteer chapter not present itself.
Section B The chapter advisors shall:
Act as liaisons between their chapters and the regional organization.
Maintain communication with the Regional Coordinator.
Submit names and email addresses of newly elected chapter officers to Headquarters and the Regional Coordinator immediately upon election of said officers.
Chapter VII Conventions, Conferences, and Business Meetings
Section A Regional Leadership Conference
The Regional Leadership Conference will be held in the Fall (typically mid-October).
Any chapter wishing to host the Fall Leadership-Through-Honors-In-Action Conference should notify the Regional Coordinator of its interest in hosting this conference. Notification should be at least a year in advance.
The host chapter for the Leadership Conference shall be chosen by the Regional Coordinator approximately one year prior to the conference.
The host chapter, with the approval of the Regional Coordinator, shall:
Prepare bags to hand out to attending chapters that include: name badges, programs, meal tickets if necessary.
Obtain their college president or other administrator to give the welcome address.
Obtain at least one keynote speaker.
Section B Regional Convention
The Regional convention shall be held in the Spring (typically early to mid-March).
Any chapter wishing to host the Regional Convention should notify the Regional Coordinator of its interest in hosting this convention. Notification should be at least a year in advance.
Section C Executive Board Business Meetings
Business meetings may be held at the Regional Convention, Regional Leadership Conference, Summer Planning Session, Winter Planning Session, the annual International Convention of Phi Theta Kappa, on-line, or by telephone conference call.
A special meeting may be called at any time by the Regional Coordinator.
Minutes of all meetings shall be posted on the regional website.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide at all regional business meetings.
Chapter VIII Amendment Procedures
Section A The Executive Board or any chapter may initiate a change to these bylaws, in writing, to the Regional Coordinator or the Executive Board of the NV/CA Region at least 45 days prior to the Regional Convention or the Regional Leadership Conference.
Section B Presenting the Changes
At least 21 days prior to a regularly scheduled regional meeting, the Regional Coordinator is to send to all chapters in the region a copy of the proposed change(s).
Changes may be voted on at a Regional Leadership Conference/ Convention or by email.
Section C Changing the Bylaws shall require a simple majority affirmative vote of all chapters in good standing that are present at the meeting at which the change(s) is/are presented. Changes may also be approved via email by a simple majority of the chapters that were present at the last regional conference/convention.
Section D Changes to the Bylaws shall become effective immediately upon approval.
Section E Final interpretation of these Bylaws shall be the responsibility of the Regional Executive Board, the Regional Coordinator, and the Executive Director.
Changes approved via email
July 16, 2018